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Mopar Mel

JR's Classics


He's called Mopar Mel for a reason

He loves to restore Chryslers-- primarily from 57-61.  He is the expert on these cars-- and he has good taste-- he loves Christine :D.  If you want a Christine clone-- you could ask Mopar Mel and he would restore one for you using his 600+ cars that he has on his lot. Take a look at his website!!!

A Car that he did

I think this car is awesome-- This is his description:

Pristine Christine Plymouth, 440 magnum, 2X4s, 3 speed push button trans, PS, PB, bumper wings, chrome oval air cleaners, Fury interior, AM/FM factory radio(conversion), tach, oil pressure gauge, padded dash, dual mirrors, radials, 150MPH speedo, chrome interior package, chromed engine accessories, 3:50 axel ratio, rear air shocks, H/D radiator, H/D rear springs, H/D transmission, over 400 HP,

The picture is on the left.  Look at the next awesome car too-- or just go to his website to see a bunch!!!

Another Clone

This one is awesome too.  Here is his description of this one

58 plymouth belvedere 2dr ht., , PS, PB , 350V8, dual 4s, push button 3 speed auto trans, radio, heater, dual exhaust, radials

**Both pictures and car descriptions have been taken from his website!!  You will see them when you first open it up.  If you are mopar mel and do not wish to have these cars displayed here-- then e-mail me to let me know.


Good work Mel!! Keep up the good work!!!