A few great sites
First-- theres a website-- www.plymouthcentral.com. This site has a ton of information about Plymouths in general. Information about the movie-- Everything. Great great site. Second- www.christine.canadianwebs.com. This is another great site. He has a ton of information about Christine. Have a look at it also. |
Do you have any ideas about what else can be done to this website? Do you have anything I could add to my collection I dont (Like maybe a 58 plymouth) or anything of the sort? If you do drop me a line at her_name_is_christine@hotmail.com and let me know! |
Viewers Cars
I still need viewers cars!! I have had a good response. But my greedy self wants more-- so ladies and gents-- send me your cars!!! Well-- pictures. But I guess you can send me the real car-- I wont mind. Anyways- when you do please title the subject as "Viewers Cars" or "My Christine" or something to that effect so I dont just delete it thinking your an advertisment. You guys do that while I try talking Martin into selling me his.....
This is too much too!!!!!
I can't believe how quickly these sites get stuff on it-- but ALAS-- it has. So I have no choice but to create a THIRD website. Please update accordingly. Well I still have room-- Im just running out of space and I see the need for a third one-- might as well do it while i'm ahead. www.christine-cqb-241-3.50megs.com

Above is a Site map I created-- I found some people tend to get lost-- or think this is the only website and say its missing some stuff. So-- heres a map to find your way
www.christine-cqb-241.50megs.com |